Be Proactive to Prevent Future Pest Problems: Schedule Service Now!

When it comes to pest control, it is best to be proactive. Don’t wait until your home’s pest problem is out of control. Instead, call CalPro Inspection Group to keep pests from invading your home. Spring is quickly approaching; now is the time to act!

Spring Pest Control Services

Spring Pests

Every spring, California residents are caught off guard by spring pest problems. As a result, insects and rodents easily take up residence in unsuspecting homes and quickly become a problem. This is the time of year that many pests come out of hibernation to mate and colonize, and the last thing you want is for this to take place in your home. Instead, allow the pest control experts at CalPro to eradicate pests from your home before they become a major problem.

Common Pests

Some of the most common spring pests include:

  • Ants – During the spring, ants actively search for new areas to grow a colony and replenish their food stores. Additionally, rainy weather often forces them into homes in search of a dry nesting site as they wait for their nests to dry out. 
  • Fleas – Have you noticed your pets scratching more than usual? If so, a flea infestation may be the source of the problem. Fleas become active in the spring and look for living hosts to feed on. In the warmth of your home, fleas reproduce and develop rapidly. Not only do fleas cause trouble for pets, but they also bite humans, transmit disease, and leave droppings throughout the home.
  • Wasps – Like ants, wasps look for new nesting sites in the spring. Quickly treating wasp nests and sealing up entry points is the key to preventing large colonies from forming in your home. Wasp stings are painful and can cause serious harm to humans.  
  • Spiders – An existing insect problem can quickly grown into a spider problem as well. Spiders emerge in the spring ready to hunt. A home crawling with flies, ants, or other pests is a prime target for spiders.
  • Others –  Rodents, termites, flies, and many other residential pests also become active in the spring.

Prevention Is Key

To keep ants, spiders, fleas, wasps, rodents, and other pests from colonizing in your home, schedule spring pest control services today. Pest problems are much easier to manage before colonies are established. Thus, don’t wait – call CalPro today at (800) 474-3540 to request a quote. We proudly serve Greater Sacramento and the entire Bay Area